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Printing White using DTF that is part of the image

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I am very new to DTF printing.  I did my first color print last night and the color is working great and the base white color is printing, but if the image contains white (or white font), that is not printing.  I think it has something to do with the spot color or something but I'm not sure.  I am using CorelDraw, and the curve in the image has a white fill, but when I export it to TIF for importing into MainTop and then print, those objects don't print.  I'm not a graphic designer so I need some help here.  Thanks for your help. I have uploaded an EPS for reference.  The captain helmet has curves that are filled with White and the standalone "1st" oval has white font over and below it that needs to print. 


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To print white elements in DTF:

Use Spot Color: Convert white fills and fonts to a spot color in CorelDraw.

Layer Settings: Ensure white layers aren’t hidden or altered.

Export Format: Try exporting as PNG or EPS for better compatibility.

Preview in MainTop: Check that white elements appear before printing.

Check Manual: Refer to your printer's manual for specific white printing guidelines.

These steps should help ensure your white prints are correct!

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